Here’s all the news from the club in February’s newsletter!
New Forest Marathon – £ 400 has been awarded to the club after members volunteered to marshal the event.
Pavilion cupboard – the club’s cupboard is in the corner of the kitchen.
Booking sheets – Could members please ensure that all matches are booked on the correct booking sheets on the noticeboard.
Team News – at the time of writing, the results to date are:
Mens – 3rd in div 4 – 2 matches to play
Mixed – 3rd in div 5 – 1 match to play
Ladies – 4th in div 3 – 1 match to play.
AGM – Thank you to all those members who attended the AGM on 6th March.
The 2019/2020 subscription levels discussed and agreed at the meeting are as follows:
- Adult – £140
- Family – £318
- Student – £55
- Non-playing supporter – £12
- Junior (9 to 16 years) – £48
- Junior (under 9) – £28
Subscriptions will be due on 1st April 2019. As in previous years, there will be an Early Bird reduction of £5 if subscriptions are paid by 30th April 2019.
The Club web-site will be updated with this information in due course.
Carpet Court Replacement – the courts are showing considerable wear and tear and it is now time for them to be replaced. The committee has appointed a steering group which is now looking at and testing court surfaces at other clubs. The quotation process has begun, with three companies so far providing quotes. It is intended that this work will take place at the beginning of September, after the Summer Holiday Camp sessions and Finals Day.
Fundraising – The club is to launch a 100 club lottery scheme with cash prizes. The details of this scheme are being finalised and you will be updated as soon as possible.
Great British Tennis Weekend Open Day – Saturday 18th May. As in previous years, this will take place from 10am – 2pm, with setting up from 8am. We would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible, to assist with signing up, serving refreshments etc.
Dates for your Diary
- Sway Open Gardens – 9th June 2019 – advance warning that the Jubilee Field car park will be very full on this day, as it is to be used as the official car park for Sway Open Gardens.
- Sway Carnival Fete – 29th June 2019 11.30am to 3.30pm – once again, the tennis club has been asked to provide refreshments
- Finals Day – following the successful format introduced last year, the tournament will culminate in Finals Day on 31st August 2019.
- Annual Quiz – 2nd November 2019