Last year, 18 tennis club members volunteered as marshalls for the New Forest Marathon. This year’s marathon will be held on 9th September. Many thanks to those members who have already offered their services. Len Thomas is co-ordinating the club volunteers. If you would like to help out, please contact Len or one of the other committee members.
Angela Smith has been appointed as the new STLC Welfare Officer.
The Joe Glover Trust, a charity for children who have been diagnosed with cancer, recently approached the club asking for donations of tennis balls for a fund raising event in August. The club donated 100 balls and wish the Joe Glover Trust every success with their event.
Diary date – STLC Annual Quiz will be held on Saturday 10th November at Sway Village Hall.
Congratulations to the Men’s Team, who have achieved promotion for the third successive summer season.
A reminder that Courts 1 to 3 will be closed on Thursday 30th August for floodlight servicing and maintenance.
The Tournament Finals Day will be held on 1st September this year. Many thanks to Caro for organising this event. It would be great to see lots of members there to support our finalists. Refreshments will be served.
Could members please remember to drag the courts before playing. This will distribute the sand around the surface, to prevent the surface becoming slippery.